Our Projects
At Evale Drilling, your satisfaction is our main priority. Since our business started, quality has been our focus. By working with the best Horizontal Directional Drilling equipment and materials in the industry and employing the most experienced and meticulous horizontal directional drillers, we are able to deliver solid and long lasting solutions for all of our customers.
Below are some of our recent projects we have been working on for our valued customers.

Tonkin Gap Alliance
Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the Tonkin Gap Alliance in Morley pulling back on multiple Power and Communications conduits for the new Traffic Light intersections on Broun Ave.
Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the Melconnx Project for Laing O'Rourke at the new Ellenbrook, Morley, Noranda and Malaga train stations. Evale Drilling assisted with the new retic and water mains as well as communications pipe.

Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the Melconnx Project for Laing O'Rourke at the new Ellenbrook, Morley, Noranda and Malaga train stations. Evale Drilling assisted with the new retic and water mains as well as communications pipe.

Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the AANRET project from Bullsbrook to Roe Hwy, Roe Hwy to Manning, Bindoon and Moora. Over 30km was installed by Evale Drilling on this project including installation of all service pits.
Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the Melconnx Project for Laing O'Rourke at the new Ellenbrook, Morley, Noranda and Malaga train stations. Evale Drilling assisted with the new retic and water mains as well as communications pipe.

Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the NBN N2P Project for Downer and Fulton Hogan. Evale Drilling Completed a number of Suburbs all over Perth over a 2 year period. Evale Drilling continues to provide Horizontal Directional Drilling services for Service Stream, Downer and Fulton Hogan for NBN.

Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the Telstra Relocation Projects. Evale Drilling completed hundreds of metres of 110mm communications drill shots in a number of suburbs in the Perth Metropolitan area.
Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the Melconnx Project for Laing O'Rourke at the new Ellenbrook, Morley, Noranda and Malaga train stations. Evale Drilling assisted with the new retic and water mains as well as communications pipe.

Western Power - UPPS
Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the UPPS Project for Power On Cabling. Evale Drilling has worked on the St James UPPS project and is currently working on the Maylands UPPS project. Evale Drilling has installed 63mm up to 160mm conduits as well as 240LV and 400HV runs.

Western Power - Pole 2 Pillar
Horizontal Directional Drilling is ongoing for the Pole 2 Pillar contract. Evale Drilling installs road crossing of 63mm Power conduits from the existing pole locations to the new pillar locations.
Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the Melconnx Project for Laing O'Rourke at the new Ellenbrook, Morley, Noranda and Malaga train stations. Evale Drilling assisted with the new retic and water mains as well as communications pipe.

Subdivision Works
Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for a number of Civil contractors for new sub division works across the Perth Metropolitan area. Evale Drilling has completed drill shots for a number of utility providers such as Water Corporation, ATCO Gas, NBN and Western Power.

Fremantle Ports
Horizontal Directional Drilling completed at Fremantle ports. Evale Drilling was engaged to drill 160mm Power Conduits for upcoming Power uprgrades at various locations throughout Fremantle Ports.
Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the Melconnx Project for Laing O'Rourke at the new Ellenbrook, Morley, Noranda and Malaga train stations. Evale Drilling assisted with the new retic and water mains as well as communications pipe.

Water Corporation
Horizontal Directional Drilling was completed for the Modillion Avenue North Shelley Water Main upgrade for Water Corporation. Evale Drilling was engaged to assist on the project, using Horizontal Directional Drilling methods to connect homes on the opposite side of the road to the new water main. A total of 17 road crossings were completed in 2 days on the project.